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B i o g r a p h y

Peter Orullian was born in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. As a kid, he could be found making up stories, writing songs, or involved in a pick-up game of just about anything.


In High School, Peter played varsity athletics, served in student government, sang with the school acapella choir, and graduated class valedictorian.


In college, Peter joined a performing and recording rock band at the same time he finished his Honors Thesis—a fictional work entitled SKINWALKER based on Native American folklore. That year, he graduated magna cum laude with an Honors B.A. in English, with a writing emphasis. He was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Societies.


Two years later, he moved to Seattle, Washington to begin serious, classical vocal study with famed maestro David Kyle--vocal trainer to Geoff Tate of Queensryche, Ann Wilson of Heart, and Layne Staley of Alice in Chains, just to name a few.


Over the next four years, he continued his music study and began increasingly to spend his discretionary time writing. During those first years in Seattle, Peter worked for a small press as editor for a New York Times bestselling writer. He also worked as a journalist, authoring a column on voice for Progression Magazine in which he interviewed and profiled some of the great voices in modern music.


Peter later began working at Microsoft in the Entertainment and Devices division. There he worked on several teams, launching multiple products and services, and building some of the world's largest entertainment IP and franchises. During his stint with Microsoft, he continued to be active musically, releasing a number of CDs with various musicians and winning along the way the Private Eye Best Male Vocalist Award. A single from one of those releases reached #2 on


A few years later, Peter sold his first short story to a Denise Little anthology, and has since sold numerous short stories. A few years after that, Tor Books (MacMillan) purchased the first three books in an epic fantasy series entitled The Vault of Heaven.


About that same time, Peter began the first of several international tours, primarily to Europe, to front rock and theater bands like Heir Apparent and Fifth Angel as lead vocalist. 


In 2017, Peter was selected to write the novel to progressive metal giant Dream Theater's concept album The Astonishing. A few years later it was announced that he would be collaborating with #1 New York Times Bestselling author Brandon Sanderson on a new fiction series which heavily features music, the first book in that trilogy to be released by major publishing houses in multiple countries and languages in 2026.


In 2024, Peter collaborated again with the Grammy Award-winning Dream Theater to novelize their fan-favorite concept album, Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory, which was released in October, 2024.


Over the past few years, Peter has been building his own IP known as The Bell Ringer. To start this process, Peter founded a symphonic rock/metal group called Symphony North and wrote an entire 24 song Holiday symphonic rock and theater show. The Bell Ringer builds on the tradition of Mannheim Steamroller and Trans-Siberian Orchestra, but evolves modern Christmas music with new orchestrations, original songs, and storytelling grounded in classical storytelling principles. As part of the The Bell Ringer IP, Peter has since also authored a full accompanying Bell Ringer novel--which will release in holiday of 2025--and Symphony North is in talks on licensing the IP for both film and game versions of the story. Meanwhile, Peter has also finished the storyline for Symphony North's second album and begun composing the album to that story. The novel and other IP extensions for this sophomore effort will follow shortly thereafter.


The Bell Ringer soundtrack boasts former members of the platinum-selling Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and current members of the Grammy-winning, #1 Billboard Charting band Dream Theater. 


Peter lives in the Pacific Northwest.


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